Saturday, September 29, 2012

PAIN is temporary!

Have you ever wanted to just stop during your workout? Just QUIT because you were in pain or it was too hard? You just could not go on; all you could think was, “I CAN’T!” With each movement, all you can think about is, “My quads hurt, my knee hurts, my shoulder hurts.” I have been there too, so I get it.
What gets me to keep moving, keep pushing through it? I simply say to myself, “This PAIN is temporary; if I Quit it is forever”. Every time I hear myself thinking I can’t do it, I remember it is not forever. I turn around those negative thoughts and tell myself I can do it.  You would be surprised how positive thoughts can get you through some painful moments.
Recently, my shoulder has been giving me some trouble and I have been taking it easy on it. Now, by that I mean using lighter weights and not doing 4 classes in 1 day. In one class when we were doing my favorite, Turkish Get Ups!!!, I actually thought to myself,  “I can’t do it”!  But, of course, I kept going (stubborn)....kept pushing myself....repeating over and over...."this PAIN is temporary...but if you QUIT, that will be forever".... YES, I COULD DO IT!!! I had to dig deep and focus! I did not quit; I moved forward, and was so glad I did. 
 It doesn’t matter if you are frustrated during a Zumba class because you just can't quite get the steps down, or you are totally out of energy during a high-intensity Spin class, or you are battling fatigue after a long day and are trying to get some cardio in, or you are taking Kettlebell Boot Kamp and need to do just one more Turkish Get Up, or you are training for a Marathon and are struggling to get through a LONG training run...

Don’t just QUIT! Don’t think you CAN’T! Dig Deep and get through it! Whatever it takes! Why?
The PAIN is temporary, QUITTING is forever!
What do you want your forever to be?

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