Monday, February 11, 2013

My Story, I have been there!

Since I have talked about what works best for you when it comes weight loss I thought I would share with you what worked for me.

Since my pregnancies I have struggled with my weight and have tried different things to take the weight off and keep it off. Being on a diet or eating "special" food can take weight off but it does not keep it off. Believe it or not, it is worse for you to yo-yo up and down.... 15 pounds lost in 2 months then, oh no, gained it back plus 10..... it is bad for your body, your heart, and your emotions!  Learning how to change our habits is the best way to see results and keep them!

I know how I looked made me feel bad; I was unhappy, moody, and negative. Finally I had had enough, and I realized I could not change my body without changing my thoughts. I started to keep a positive attitude, which was hard, I must say.

I would look in the mirror and instead of feeling upset, I would think "that isn't who I am". I would think about my girls and not giving them a bad body image and how I needed to stay positive to achieve my goals for them.  I was never overweight growing up, but I always had curves and my sister was a stick. So I did have a bad image of my body because I always wanted her body. I could not pass that on to my girls. So I changed!

I started with food intake first- I eat more - yes I said, more! 6 small meals a days, and at first I was forcing food into myself thinking, "this can't work; I feel like I am forcing food down my throat". After 2 weeks I was in the groove. Every 2-3 hours my body would signal me to eat! After 3 weeks I stepped on the scale and saw 8 pounds gone.

Then I started to work out- I had a friend who would meet me at the gym at 6 am to work out with me before work. Now, I had worked out before Victoria and even after she was born. It was different this time; I was using weights.
So I needed guidance and a reason to go to the gym at 6 am. Some days I wondered, "why am I doing this? I can't walk or move my arms." But every time I dropped a pant size I said, "Oh, this is why".   

In 4 months I went from a size 14 to a 6; it was hard but I did it! I was very strict with food, and worked out 4-7 days a week. I started doing yoga again!  
I would spend a few hours Saturday or Sunday preparing for the week ahead. Having things ready was key. I am lazy; it is easier to grab something quick than something healthy. I ate protein shakes and protein bars because they were easy and they worked. You have to feed your body to lose weight. Think of your body as a car - without fuel you can't move- without the right fuel our bodies don't want to move either!

You might be surprised to know that when I lost my weight I never used anything that was "low-fat", "fat-free", "sugar-free", "light" or "non-fat". I still don't.  I prefer not to have the chemicals like sucralose and aspartame.
I use real butter and real mayo. I use real sugar in my coffee. I love double stuffed oreos, however right now Thin Mints are #1 (thanks, Girl Scouts). I eat out once or twice a week, and, order what I want and may even have a drink, I love Margaritas!  I live by the 80/20 rule, as long as 80% of the time I am good 20% of the time I don't have to be.

I didn't count calories or points; I know this will drive me crazy! I don't weigh myself daily and never have. I go by the fit of my clothes (which are feeling a little tight right now). I never obsess over it. I am careful and watch what I am eating to make sure I don't go over board. I try not to eat processed foods. I drink lots of water. I make sure not to keep too much junk food in the house, it is so much easy to grab for it is right in front of you.
 I  "fall off the wagon" from time to time but always get back on. I try to make good choices every day, but I'm not perfect!

I do stress eat! Do I ever feel guilty? No, Never! I live by the 80/20 rule -make good  healthy choices 80% of the time, then eat what you want (in moderation) the other 20% of the time. We all have to live! So when you are going out to dinner, have a party, or on special occasions, eat what you want! Have fun!
Achieving a healthy perspective of food, of your body, and of your inner-self, is almost like this magical switch has been turned on and every thing else falls into place too. When you are happy those around you are happy too!

Give yourself the opportunity to succeed.

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