Friday, December 30, 2011

What will 2012 hold for you?

I know every year we make New Year’s Resolutions and intend to keep them!  Did you know only 8% will keep their resolutions? With 3 weeks of the New Year we give up! Not even 1 month! Why? Of course, there can be many reasons why. One of them is we don’t make SMART goals, so it is hard for us to see results and we just give up. Another reason is that we don’t make the goals known to other people, so we feel that we don’t have the support we need, or we know no one knows our goals, so we don’t hold ourselves accountable. 

How can we change this? How can we all be successful and keep our New Year’s Resolutions this year? Here are some ways that we can all stick with it this year. I want you to succeed no matter what your goal may be! Let’s work together to change the statistics. 

What exactly is a resolution? It is a formal expression of will or intent to do something. What is it you are expressing with intent that you want to do? Lose weight? Start a new exercise routine? Live a healthier life?  Set an example for your kids? Stop smoking? Make better choices?  Once you figure out what it is that your resolution will be, you need to break it down, plan for it! If you have no idea how to make it happen, then in 3 weeks you will give up! I would give up too! It is very overwhelming when you have no idea how to get from point A to point B.  Let’s map it out, a map of success, if you will. If you have picked your goal(s) already, that’s great. If not, think about it and then go through the steps below and make 2012 a successful year! 

I am going to pick my New Year’s Resolution to be weight loss (may make this easier for some of you).
I want to lose 25 pounds by March 1st! 8 weeks, 25 pounds—that does not seem like an attainable goal to me. You would have to lose a little over 3 pounds a week. So to make sure I can keep my resolution to lose weight I am going to use the SMART principles. What are the SMART principles?


Let’s start with a Specific goal. Losing 25 pounds is specific, so that was easy.
Measurable is next. We know that losing 3 pounds a week is great, but is it possible for you?  I would set a 6 month plan (timely) to lose 1 pound per week. This is not only measurable but it is also attainable. By changing a couple of things in your diet each week and working out 4 to 6 times a week you will easily lose 1 pound or more a week. This is also realistic! By slowly taking the weight off it will be easier to keep it off. You will also not give up when you see results every week, instead of dropping 8 pounds of water weight then hitting a wall the next week, causing you to become discouraged and giving up. By breaking down the specific goal into smaller steps, the goal becomes more realistic, more attainable, and you are more likely to achieve it.

What are some of the things you actually need to do to drop the pound or more a week? Start by planning your lifestyle change. The first thing and most important thing to look at is your food intake. Take 1 week and write down everything you eat, how much, and what time you are eating.  Figure out what needs to change! If you need help, that is what I am here for. We can go over your one-week food list and figure out what needs to change. Once we have made the changes on paper, we need to plan how to make the weight loss happen. Planning out the week’s meals and snacks is what we will be doing together. You will be more likely to stay on track if it is “done for you”. 

Second, schedule your workouts! If you know when and how you will get them in, you will! For me, early morning is the best; if I don’t get it in first thing I just won’t do it! So you need to figure out the best time for you and do it! Make sure you have strength training scheduled in no less than 2 days a week and just cardio days 2 or 3 days. Those of you who come to Kettlebell Boot Camp have the strength covered. 

Example of a good schedule:
Monday - Kettlebell Boot Camp
Tuesday - your favorite cardio (elliptical, spin class, running) 
Wednesday - KBBC
Thursday - favorite cardio again
Friday - KBBC
Saturday – yoga
Sunday - day of active rest

Once you have planned out how to get you to your goals, all you have to do is actually do it! Whatever your reason is for losing weight, it is an attainable goal! Make sure not only to check in with the scale; also have your body fat, measurements, and pictures taken at the start of your journey. Check in every 6 weeks to track your progress; it is not just the number on the scale, it is how you feel! 

One last thing to think about if you have a resolution this year - tell someone what your goal is; seek out support to help you keep it. We are more likely to stick with it if we “put it out there”, so to speak. When you do you will find support and you won’t want to let anyone down, so PUT IT OUT THERE!!!!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Top 10 Super Foods to kick your Metabolism and Energy into High Gear!

1. High Fiber Cereal - look for 5 grams or more of Fiber and no more than 8g of sugar. I
like to have at least one hot cereal (rolled oats) and one cold (Kashi Go Lean Crunch).

2. Apples - Okay, any fresh fruit will do, but apples are so easy to grab and go, we
always have them on hand. Make it easy on yourself and have at least 2 different fresh
fruits you can choose to eat each day. This week I have apple slices and grapes on hand.

3. Almonds - Your "portable protein" - the perfect emergency snack or pair it up with a
fruit or veggie. High in metabolism-boosting Protein and Healthy Fats. But it is easy to
eat too many - measure out 1/4 cup servings and stick in a snack size baggie.

4. Eggs - Yes, they ARE good for you. They are considered the gold standard of protein
quality because of their superior amino acid content. It takes less than 3 minutes to
prepare an egg. One of my favorite on-the-go egg tips: microwave your eggs in a coffee
cup (lightly coated with olive oil for easy clean up). Your egg is now the perfect shape to
top a whole wheat English muffin and eat on the run.

5. Spinach - This super veggie goes with everything. At only 5 calories per cup how
could it not?! Use in omelets, wraps, salads, side dishes...the list goes on.

6. Greek Yogurt - great source of protein and the live cultures help boost immunity. Goes great
 high fiber cereals. HOWEVER: Avoid choosing brands that contain added sugar – especially High Fructose Corn Syrup. Read the ingredients!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

So much to do and so little time!

So today I am taking it easy! December has been a whirl-wind for my family and I, of course it has been fun and exciting with all the great stuff we have been up to. It is December 13th already and I haven't focused to much and things I should have been this holiday season like send out cards, decorate the house, prepare the menu for Christmas day! And yet I am not stressed at all, I feel no pressure to get these very important things done? Strange right?

Well I guess I can let you in on a little secret of mine. I don't worry about pleasing everyone else! I worry about myself and the people closest to me.

When I should have been thinking about Holiday Cards, I was putting together a Holiday Survival Guide for all of you. I wanted everyone to have a guide to help the through this season without being the "average person".  So I hope you all have downloaded the guide with the tips and recipes to help you not gain 7-12 pounds.
Another way I keep my stress level down is working out!
I know staying on track this time of year is hard, we never have enough time in the day to complete everything!  Start your day of right and you will accomplish more then you thought you could!
I have added a quick 20 minute workout to the Kettlebell Boot Kamp Workout section. No equipment needed just you and 20 minutes! IF can't get to class at least you can try this awesome workout!!!!

I am planning the menu for Christmas Day today! So what do you think so far?
Beef Tenderloin -1/2 with Gorgonzola sauce 1/2 without
Sauteed Brussel  Sprouts
Roasted Asparagus
Baked Sweet Potatoes
Mashed Potatoes
Some sore of bread ( not sure yet)

Any suggestions to add to the menu??

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Holiday Schedule

Here is the 4 Elements Holiday Schedule:

Saturday the 24th 8am Kettlebell Conditioning 

Monday the 26-   Only1 Class 9:15am Kettlebell Boot Camp

Wednesday the 28th-6:15am Kettlebell Boot Camp
                                 9:15 am Kettlebell Boot Camp

Friday the 30th-       6:15 am Kettlebell Boot Camp
                                 9:15 am Kettlebell Boot Camp

Saturday the 31st      8am KB Conditioning
Any questions please call or email me!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Other ways to get Calcium.

Since we talked about this in class this week I just want to give you guys some different options to get your calcium. Here is a list of well absorbed calcium.

  • Soybeans    1 cup 175 mg 
  • Tofu           4oz  200-300mg
  • Bok Choy  1cup  158mg
  • Broccoli  cooked  1 cup   178mg
  • Collards  1 cup 357
  • Chinese Cabbage  3.5 oz    105mg
  • Kale  cooked 1 cup 179
  • Mustard Greens   cooked   1 cup   179mg
  • Okra  1 cup  172 mg
  • Turnip Greens   1 cup   249 mg
  • Almonds    1/4 cup   89mg
  • Almond Butter     2 TBSP   128mg
  • Tahini        2 TBSP 128mg

 Oxalic acid, which is found in spinach, rhubarb, chard, and beet greens binds with the calcium in those foods and reduces its absorption. These foods should not be considered good sources of calcium.

As you can see there a many more sources of calcium out there while one 8oz glass of milk is the easiest at 300mg per 8oz it is not the only way. As most of you already know we are not milk drinker in my house but we all have strong bones and the girls are growing like weeds. luckily the girls like broccoli and I can slip the tofu in with them knowing. Also almonds and almond butter are a favorite!
Hope this gave you some new ideas on how to get that calcium in. As adults we need 1000mg a day and we can get it with what we eat.

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