
Summer workouts no equipment required

Tabata 20 seconds on 10 seconds of 8 times in a row each exercise


Side lunge right 4 left 4

Hip Bridge

Push ups

Skull Crusher (or dips on a chair)

Tabata again!
 Squat side to side
Boat hold feet down or up can open arms/Plank
Tricep 4/4
 Lat Pull down

30 seconds 3x’s
Mountain climbers, prisoner squats, sumo squat pulse
Rest 1 minute
45 seconds straight 3xs
Squat Jump
Row right
Row left

45 seconds straight 4 times rest 1 minute between each set

Squat with a touch down side to side

Sumo squat pulse



Tactical Lunge (dumbbell ok)


Holiday Fun Workout!

30 Squats
30 Lunges (15 right/15 left)
30 Dips
30 Burpees ( I know you can do it)
30 side planks with dip
30 crunches

and then stretch!

Kettlebell Workout 7/22/11
Swings     40/30/20
Triceps      20/20/20
Booty Dance 40/30/20
Deadlifts    40/30/20  ( no single leg)
Figure 8     40/30/20   (per leg count)
Reverse lunge Pulse ( stay low KB in rack position same side) Right leg 40/30/20 Left leg 40/30/20
Row right side 40/30/20
Row left side 40/30/20

40 reps through first time
30 reps second time
20 reps last time

Have Fun!

Body Weight Workout
25 Jumping Jacks
15 Each side Reverse lunges (same leg then the other)
10 Jump Squats
25 Squat Pulses
15 Each side Forward Lunges (same leg)
25 Mountain Climbers
10 each leg Spiderman Plank 
then rest 2 mins repeat 2-3 times

Quick Workout!
20 minutes 5 minute sets 4 times (do not stop)
You will a timer or be by a clock.
This is a fat burning workout.......cardio!

1 minute for each of the following
Swings (double handed)
High pulls
Figure 8's
Alternating swings
Repeat 4 more times

 5. 10/25/10
20 Figure 8's
12 each side Side lunge into rack or push press (add balance if you would like)
 Around the Body 15 each way
 20 Swings
Deadlifts 16 double/8 single
Windmills  12 each side
Oblique crunches 12 each side

4. Workout 9/21/10 
time the first 4 45 seconds each no breaks 
then the next 4 count out 15 reps then take a 1 minute break.
4 times 
Double handed swings
DB Highpulls
Figure 8's
Alternating swings
Push presses
Tricep Extension
Rows (each side)
Don't forget to stretch

4 sets 
15 each side( Start left side so all then move to right)
1 Arm swings
Push Press 
Reverse Lunge in Rack
Oblique crunch 
Don't forget to stretch!

2.Summer workout 
3 sets of  each
20 Alternating Swings
10 Figure 8's 
15 Tricep extenions
10 High Pulls

15 Squats (holding KB)
15 Around the World each direction 
10 Lunges passing KB through the front leg (each leg)
10 Push presses (each side)

10 Chest Fly Bridge position ( butt up)
ads- 10 Russian Twist
20 crunches legs up

1.30 Minute Kettlebell workout

As always first warm up ( arm circles, lunges,etc) 
20 Double Handed swings
20 figure 8's (full through both legs)
20  over head tricep extensions 
20 High pulls 
20 Deadlifts (single 10 each leg)
Repeat 2 more time's

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