Tuesday, March 23, 2010

3 Simple Nutrition Rules for staying lean.

Rule #1 - Eat more fruits and vegetables.
On any given day,
- 1/4 of an apple
- 2 slices of red pepper
- a handful of blueberries
- 2 small pieces of broccoli
- 1/6 of a banana

So bottom line for you: Replace all your processed, high-calorie
snacks with fruits and vegetables. You'll be full on fewer calories
and you'll have more energy and you won't crash during the workday.

Rule #2 - Never eat while moving.
The rule is that you can't eat or drink any calories while you are in motion. That means no eating while walking, and no eating while driving.
So no eating or drinking in the car, on the bus, the subway, or the train,  not only will this save you calories, but it will also prevent your car from becoming a mess.
It's too easy to eat while "on the move", but rarely are those
calories the right kind.
 Get rid of the muffins, the high-calorie coffees, the sodas, the 
processed snacks, and the fast food.
This might mean you'll need to get up early to eat at home. But it's worth it. Trust me. Or just wait till you get to work to eat.
After work, you may need to "survive" an extra 15 minutes until
you get home to eat.
 But I guarantee you that not eating while moving will save you hundreds of calories per day, and will help you lose fat without any extra effort.

Rule #3 - Do not force yourself to eat when you are not hungry.
So what does this rule mean for you?
It means that if you aren't hungry when you wake up, maybe you don't
need to force down a 300-500 calorie breakfast or a 500 calorie
post-workout shake.
Oh my, did I just tell you that you don't have to eat breakfast?
And did I just say that you don't need a 500-calorie, 50-grams-of-sugar
post-workout shake if you want to lose fat?
So, that being said I am not saying just don’t eat make the smart choice. Eat a yogurt, not a 4 egg white omelet with ½ a grapefruit and a slice of wheat toast. Eating every 3 hours small meals boost your metabolism but if you went out for a late dinner the night before and had more than usual chances are you won’t be as hungry when you wake up. As always think before you eat!!

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