Tuesday, March 20, 2012

What is Tabata?

Tabata is a type of training named after Izumi Tabata, a former researcher at Japan’s National Institute of Fitness and Sports. Izumi performed studies with athletes using different styles of training to see what was most effective. In a 6-week study with the athletes split into 2 groups, Group 1 trained 1 hour a day, 6 days a week. Group 2 did Tabata training 4 days a week for just 4 minutes each time. The results showed that both groups improved their performance dramatically.   

Tabata is very simple, but very intense! True Tabata training is only 4 minutes long, and it should be the hardest 4 minutes of any other workout you do. True Tabata is 8 cycles of 1 exercise: 20 seconds of work and then 10 seconds of rest, repeated for the 8 cycles.  The exercise is performed to failure; you want to work with intensity and ramp it up quickly! 

We have done both Tabata timing and Tabata Type training in Kettlebell Boot Kamp! Using the 20/10 method, we did a whole class recently where the stations we did were both Tabata timing and type. Everyone has done great with it, and it is hard, as hard as you make it. That is what is so great about it - anyone CAN DO IT! You work your hardest! When we did the stations that day, one gal was at the Burpees station (a fan favorite!) and was doing 5 per 20 seconds (AWESOME) and continued to hit 5. That is what it is about! Knowing I only have 20 seconds, I can do it. The next gal up at that station was doing  5 also, then after the first cycle she realized she could do more! So she did! 

So why is this so great, and why am I switching more to the Tabatha style of training? Research! I have done more research about this type of training, and I like what I am hearing! Recent research has revealed that high intensity interval training (HIIT) with resistance training is more effective at reducing body fat for a longer time than steady-state aerobic exercise. One reason for this is due to the “afterburn” effect known as EPOC (exercise post oxygen consumption). When your body is in this state it continues to burn additional calories and metabolizes more fat after the workout for a longer period of time. 

Why does EPOC burn fat longer? 

The amount of oxygen consumed after exercise can accelerate weight loss by elevating the rate of oxygen consumed as well as expending energy. Here are the 4 ways this is done: 
  1.  Your phosphate system is immediately replenished with energy that was lost during exercise, and the body resets the muscle glycogen which was consumed during exercise.  
  2.  Post-workout, the body also continues to expend energy to re-oxygenate the blood and restore the levels of circulatory hormone back to normal.
  3. .During EPOC the body expends energy to cool off after exercise. 
  4.  To return the body to a normal breathing and heart rate, energy is also consumed.

So now that I am a certified Tabata Boot Camp trainer, you know we will be doing more Tabata training in Kettlebell Boot Kamp!  In the next couple of months I hope to integrate the 2 together to give you a better Boot Kamp experience. Does this mean I am not going to use kettlebells anymore? ABSOLUTLY NOT! It just means I will be changing my programming to match the Tabata method. It also means I will be adding some additional components not just in the workout— some things for you to do when you are not with me!

 I am very excited to be offering more to you guys, and shortly I will! I just have to get everything up and running first and then you’ll see what I am talking about!

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