Friday, January 13, 2012

Week 1 down of the 6 Week Body Transformation challenge

WOW! First week down of the 6 week Body Transformation Challenge, and everyone is doing great! Everyone worked hard, pushing past their limits and still having fun! I love doing these challenges a few times a year. All the "core" ladies really push themselves to work harder and stay on track. They add a little more weight, move a little faster, and swear a little more.

As for the "newbies", they come in and work hard the first week and get into the grove, then watch out on the second week, they push harder and faster to "catch up".

One of my favorite things in having new ladies join us all the time is the reaction to me when I say "push-ups are next". Some tell me they can't do them; others go to the floor and hope they can. I tell everyone to start on the wall and go from there. I know you are thinking, “how is this your favorite thing”, right? On week 4 I love watching as they go into the push-ups with ease and confidence, knowing they can do it!!!! Knowing that in just 4 weeks they are STRONGER, have more ENDURANCE, feel more EMPOWERED, and feel and look better. It’s the reason I LOVE what I do!!!  

When I started my fitness journey six years ago I couldn't do one push-up on the floor; I couldn't run 6 laps; I couldn't do burpees. Now I CAN! I am empowered by each and every workout we do. Doing snatches with a 25 pound kettlebell is nothing I would have thought of doing back then; now it’s a piece of cake.

We all live our lives each day, but are we truly living? If walking up and down steps is a challenge, tying your shoes is difficult, getting up from a chair is hard, not being able to run and play with your children - I don't know about you, but I don't call that living. Six years ago in March the doctor wanted me to have my gallbladder removed.  I was eating too many fatty foods and had a lot of problems. I also weighed 200 pounds. Not once was I told to change my diet or start exercising. I did not want to have another surgery or buy a size 16 pants. What was I going to do?  I was going to change!

That was my breaking point. What will yours be?

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