Let's find out....
So, how long have you been doing the same workout routine?
If you do not change up your workouts often enough, your
body get used to it which leads to zero progress on your
fat loss goals - not to mention the same routine can quickly
become quite boring or even lead to burn out.
Fabulous Fat Loss Results are achieved by adding variety to your
fat loss workout plan by adjusting one or more workout program
variables, such as....
- Exercises
- Repetitions
- Weights
- Intensity
- Rest Periods
Did You Know...
The average person adapts to a workout after just 4 to 6 exposures?!
This is because your body does not like change so your body fights
this by adapting to your workout. As your body adapts....you get
stronger.... your workout no longer feels challenging...your results
begin to taper off.
To keep getting results and avoid a plateau you must find a way to force
your body to change and apply new demands to your body. So you look
for ways to change up your workout plan - BUT...
...are you adding variety with no clear purpose or plan?
"Why Can't I Just Do The Same Exercises And Just Add More Weight?"
Take this approach and you will eventually hit a plateau for you
are only focusing on changing 1 variable - and remember, your body
is smart and will figure out a way to adapt.
Plus, each exercise has benefits and drawbacks - in order to balance the
positives and negatives ALL variables must be tracked and changed
accordingly - not just 1.
How Do You Know If You Are Doing It Right?
Change up your workout too much - > MISS out on results
Fail to change it up enough - > HIT a plateau
Follow though with a plan and a purpose -> GET Results
Since there are many different approaches to designing an
effective fat loss workout plan, there is no one right answer
but you can ask yourself the following questions to check
and see if you are on the fast track to results.
~ Are you cutting and pasting a handful of exercises together?
Maybe what you saw in a magazine, in the gym, online or just
a collage of exercises that look good from a few different
exercise programs - > MISS
~ Have you been doing the same workout so much so that you
could do it in your sleep? - > HIT
~ Are the workouts you do trackable?
As you complete your workouts, are you able to make note
of the variables changed and the progress you are making -> GET Results!
TIP: Tracking your progress workout to workout is one of the
fastest and easier ways to get results. Not only do you stay
focused to get the most out of each and every workout, you
have the information you need to make adjustments so you
never hit a plateau and continually see and feel results!
Take the guess work out of your workout routine ...
it's about time for you to Get Results!
Remember, if you need help with this, 4 Elements
has it all mapped out for you - step by step, with full body,
progressively challenge workouts that include all the elements of training.
If you already are a part of 4 Elements Fusion Boot Camp or Kettlebells
you are on your way!
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