The recent passing of the health care bill, America is now more polarized than ever. I wanted to share a little history of the kettlebells.
This past weekend I was talking with a friend and it quickly turned towards a unique old school approach to health care used by the former Soviet Union.
I started telling them about the history of kettle bell training, general safety and guidelines, discussed the benefits of using kettlebells. I pointed out that the Russian government found “kettle belling” so vital to the country that it made it part of its national health care plan.
There were 3 major reasons for this policy in that kettlebells:
1.) Keep the population fit
2.) Lower Health Care cost
3.) Increase the work capacity of the population.
The kettlebell was actually a part of government policy! Kettlebells were part of everyday life, sure the people of Russia had no choice, but to do it but it keep them healthy!
They used the kettlebell for 5 main reasons:
1.) Safe and effective technique
2.) Very low risk of injury
3.) Easily adaptable to small group or individual training
4.) Easy to reach a wide spectrum of the population
5.) Durable and inexpensive!
So that being said I want to reach as many people as I can to help improve their health, so they can live a long, happy, and healthy life. Anything I can do to help let me know.